Ideally, we all Imagine what life would look like if we could just get through a day without suffering. For a year we have been bombarded with news of the economy, the pandemic woes and wins, social media updates on many family members and friends who have lost their lives from what we can only make sense of like premature death. Although we have been inundated with news and bad news, we all share the same sentiments in thinking can we just have one day without suffering?
Often we become hypersensitive to everything going on around us, but for some of us, these things are critical in the safety of those who live in a world of domestic violence. Domestic violence has impacted many families around the world. In its carnage are victims who are deceased and those who remain in their domestic violence relationships silently suffer in fear, intimidation, threats, and deterioration of their self-worth and self-esteem. The survivors who manage to leave the abusive and destructive relationships have lasting scars, nightmares, trust issues, self-esteem, and self-worth issues that may take years for them to recover.
For many years I suffered silently in an abusive manipulative relationship. Finally, I stop being the victim and declared I’m a survivor! I will no longer let, permit anyone to abuse me and I ball up in a fetal position and take cover. I decided I will first fight back with God. I began to read my bible cover to cover, attend school to learn the biblical principles of the bible and how I can apply those principles to my life. I searched out the scriptures and, in those pages, I found refuge. One scripture in particular Isiah 53:4-5 (NIV)
Surely, he took up our pain and bore our suffering, yet we considered him punished by God,
stricken by him, and afflicted. But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds, we are healed.
Jesus was a victim of domestic violence; he took the abuse for his undying love for his abusers (Us). Wow, what a revelation…. And because he was relentless in taking the abuse, he died and rose from the grave and bore all sin and shame in victory, so we don’t have to endure what he did. Domestic violence simply said is when an abuser project violence onto another person, and the victim allow, lets, and permit the abuse because of their undying love for their abuser. But just like Jesus rose above it in victory, so can we!
Join me next week as I share more content on Domestic violence and why my ministry CKBone Ministries has been tasked to bring awareness, advocacy, and help hurting women around the world.
In-Service to Him,
Carla K. Bone